Helpful Tips For Sharing Child Custody With Your Former Spouse in NJ

Personal differences and/or differences in parenting styles can make sharing child custody extremely complicated. Of course, both parents want what is best for the child, but you may have different ideas about what that is. Our Bergen County family law attorneys have compiled this short list of tips for co-parenting based on our years of experience in the field. Please continue reading to learn more.

Helpful Tips For Sharing Child Custody With Your Former Spouse in NJ

  1. Always act in your child’s best interests. A child deserves the love and affection of both parents. If you prioritize your child over yourself, it will result in the best outcome for everyone.
  2. Refrain from saying anything negative about your former spouse to your child or in front of your child. We understand that this can be challenging, but you must keep in mind that your former spouse is also your child’s parent who they love and adore. A child should have healthy relationships with both parents. Countless studies have shown that badmouthing former spouses to children is harmful to their wellbeing.
  3. Do your best to communicate openly and honestly with your former spouse. Though this may be difficult, it is extremely valuable. You and your spouse should put your differences aside and work together for the benefit of your child.

Based on years of experience, we find that these practical suggestions make for a healthier co-parenting environment for all parties involved, especially the child. If you are currently sharing custody with a former spouse, we ask you to keep these principles in mind, especially with Halloween coming up. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our compassionate New Jersey family law attorneys today. We are always here to help.

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We understand how confusing certain legal issues can be, which is why we are dedicated to providing individuals with the compassionate, knowledgeable legal representation they deserve. Aronsohn, Weiner, Salerno & Kaufman has helped clients with various difficult legal challenges for over 40 years, which is why we know we have the experience needed to do the same for you. For experienced legal counsel regarding family law, litigation, business law, real estate, and criminal law, you know where to turn–contact Aronsohn, Weiner, Salerno & Kaufman today to schedule a consultation.